Fear Merchants Target Seniors with Fright Messaging

As people age, they often become more fearful or paranoid.  Sadly, that is a fact and is generally unavoidable.  Even sadder is that unsavory internet marketers have figured that out and are finding new ways to exploit this age-related vulnerability. Scientists have been studying the aging mind and have found that people over the age … Read more

SCAM ALERT: Avoid Internet Kidney Cures……Seriously

What would you do if you meet a new person and the first thing they say is clearly a lie?  You’d likely runaway.  Well, pretty much the first thing that Heal Kidney Disease tells you is it can reverse kidney disease.  This is a baldfaced lie:  kidney disease can’t be reversed.   Our advice:  runaway!    You … Read more

SCAM ALERT: Custom Keto Diet Is A Marketing Trap

What would you do if you meet a new person and the first thing they say is clearly a lie?  You’d likely runaway.  Well, pretty much the first thing that Custom Keto Diet tells you is a lie:  its creator Rachel Roberts doesn’t exist.   Our advice:  runaway!   This scam is yet another one of the … Read more

SCAM ALERT: Aleurier Anti-Aging Cream Scam

Do you know much money people spend their gold and silver (and paper) on over-the-counter anti-wrinkle cream in an effort to reclaim their youth?  Believe it or not, consumers spend billions of dollars each year on such creams and lotions, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. We tried counting up all of the various anti-wrinkle concoctions being sold … Read more