You may happen upon a seeming news article for a sleep-aid called Resurge. In fact, it’s not a news article at all. It’s a sophisticated marketing scheme touting a sleep-aid supplement that claims it will improve your sleep…..”guaranteed”. The only real guarantee, however, is that everything in this so-called story is fake bull****. It is so far from the truth that even the Hubble space telescope couldn’t see it. But unscrupulous Internet marketers know that over 30% of American adults feel they don’t get enough sleep. And up to 70 million Americans report sleep-related problems. Throw in a killer pandemic, and you can imagine how sleep disorders are increasingly common. That’s why “infoscammers” are jumping on the sleep supplement bandwagon.
As we will explain below, you don’t want to spend your money on these sleep scams. In fact, Resurge and other Internet-hawked sleeping pills are nothing but very expensive placebo pills. Worse yet, the scammers selling these bogus pills are looking to exploit any consumer ensnared by their treacherous pitch. Why throw away your good money for Resurge bogus sleeping pills? We’ll tell you how to improve your sleep for free. And you’ll sleep a whole lot better knowing that you avoided a sleep scam.
So what exactly is Resurge offering?
Resurge is not so much a nutritional supplement as a sophisticated sales pitch. If you peruse their website, you’ll see no formulation of the ingredients for their “smart drugs” other than the claim that it harnesses Melatonin, Arginine and Lysine to stimulate growth hormones by 695%. However, there’s simply no scientific support for such a claim. Yes, melatonin has proven useful for some people to help correct an internal body clock that has gone awry. So, for travellers who change time zones, melatonin is often recommended by doctors. However, has a general sleep aid, melatonin has not been scientifically proven.
If you want to try melatonin, we can save you time and tell you what it costs: $9. That’s right, for a bottle of 60 melatonin tablets you need only spend $9 at Vitacost — a reputable natural remedy online retailer. So what do you think Resurge costs? Try $49….or more. And that’s not a typo.
And if you want to buy Arginine and Lysine, you can get a sixty-day supply of these amino acids for about $30 — or close to 40% less than what Resurge is asking for its amino acid supplement. However, we don’t recommend that you buy either product. You’d be throwing your money away.
Like so many of the “sleeping pill” products peddled on the Internet, you are treated to slick videos, slicker webpages full of scientific sounding terms and, in many cases, a medical doctor who is recommending the product. But most of these kinds of products are rip-offs and infoscams that have infected the Web over the last three years.
Exploiting the Placebo Effect
The idea that your brain can convince your body a fake treatment is the real thing. It’s referred to as the placebo effect and has been around for as long as humans have attempted to heal other humans. However, scientists have been able to actually document how placebos work and have found that in some cases a placebo can be just as effective as traditional treatments.
These unscrupulous marketers have seized upon some very sophisticated selling techniques to lure consumers’ into their marketing traps. But perhaps their most effective tool is the scientifically-established placebo effect. It is estimated that between 30-60% of patients find relief from placebos. That means as much as half of the people who spend money on sleep aids may feel some improvement, even if they are being given fake pills or fake info. The infoscammers know this and count on people fooling themselves thinking that these overpriced pills work.
Resurge Relies Upon Fake Scam Sites To Sell Their Placebo Pills
Is it a scam? Is it a rip-off? Does it work? You’ll never find out, largely because of an increasingly pernicious Internet industry that uses fake product review sites to hide customer reactions. Avinol has a bunch of fake review sites that are singing the praises of this dubious drug.
We call these sites infoscammers because they mostly follow the same template: Product Description, Examination Record, Review or Analysis, Site Preview, Download button, Pros and Disadvantages and Conclusion. Many of them also have a Leave Page Pop-Up that makes it difficult to return to your Google search. They are hawked by affiliate websites that come by a whole array of names, such as “Daily Scam Reviews“, “Review Tools” “Scam Review Today“, “ScamX”, “Queen’s Reviews” and other such sounding websites. The vast majority of them are little more than automated shills for these scam sites, designed to conceal real scam reports. They are authored by professional fake review writing services or “reputation management” companies. While they are all hawking different “products”, the share many common sales tactics:
- They have a link or embedded video of the product/service offer. If the outgoing link on the review product includes an affiliate tracking code, then you can be sure they are being compensated by the link.
- They don’t have a link describing the qualifications of the “reviewer”.
- Many of them don’t have a “Contact Us” menu or reveal information about the reviewing organization itself.
- The quality of the writing is odd — either bad translations or boilerplate sounding sentences.
- The information at the web site is limited to reviews. If the entire site is nothing seemingly impartial reviews, then the author has no expectation of having visitors return, and consequently, no risk of losing regular visitors.
Resurge offers these affiliate scammers serious money for each consumer that they steer their way. Check out this pitch that Resurge marketers offer to affiliates:
That’s right. They are offreing affiliates $107 for each new customer. That’s because the Resurge marketers are convinced that they can upsell consumers to buy more and more of these bogus pills.
How To Actually Improve Your Sleep — For Free
Perhaps most importantly, you don’t have to spend any money at all. There is an abundance of free or low-cost sleep information on the Internet. Amazon offers a number of ebooks that cost nothing and provide the kinds of well-established and proven sleep therapies that can help. And very reputable medical institutions such as Harvard Medical School and the Mayo Clinic offer free and documented information.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i) is the first place to start. CBT-i teaches you to recognize and change beliefs that affect your ability to sleep. It can help you control or eliminate negative thoughts and bad habits that keep you awake or disrupt your sleep.
Harvard, in particular, warns that all sleep-aids are risky and should be used only as a last resort. Like Mayo Clinic, Harvard strongly encourages the use of CBT-i. It’s available — it costs nothing. Lots of information about better sleep habits are posted at the National Sleep Foundation website.
Don’t buy Resurge or any other sleep aid — they’ll not only make you lose sleep, but you’ll lose a lot of your hard earned money as well!
Do you have anything about JavaBurn? It’s supposedly by the same guy.
Thank you for breaking this down. I really appreciate receiving the truth so succinctly.